Random Chance

This posts flame fractal!

A mere example of what chance could look like with numbers and colors.

The only thing that breaks down a mind from its own roots,
is the axe of someone else’s reasoning.”

I look around at the world and observe all the glory it has and all the beauty and extreme attention to detail. I see the blue sky, and the complex clouds compiled from millions of millions of molecules. Eventually that massive multitude of molecules would either condense or fall apart. Below them is the grass, the buildings (the constructs of creatures called humans), the trees, the vast unending oceans… This diverse biosphere called a planet is by far very advanced viewed from space. Closer up, we have the mountains, the clouds, the oceans, forests, plains. Even closer we have animals. Each of those is composed of cells, and the rest is known.

Each representative particle has its own qualities. The planet is in a solar system, at the third ring, within a certain range that’s capable of hosting the specific types of life as we know it. Meaning, the life that we know is only capable of living naturally on Earth. Closer in, the human element is capable of both logical and completely irrational (or completely justified by logic, with the same action and consequences), capable of terror and hospitality, and can control their own future. They have their literal and non-literal concepts, both of which are intertwined in the same basis of thought.

So, is this random chance or the hand of God? As per my understanding, it’s both. I see no conflict between the two. If I was a god (not God Himself), I would design certain qualities and see what would happen on its own. Example: the creation of the Universe from simple particles like atom and all of the subatomic particles smaller than those. That would explain the existence of the Universe, yes? Then, I would develop even more qualities about how these particles interact. And then, given enough time, the known Universe would begin to coalesce. And as things begin to take form, I interrupt everything and make my own imprint on something. My own image. A signature, of sorts. Not to say that this is all my creation, but rather to show that something irregular can exist in a world of regularity.

Humans are genetically the most estranged beasts on the world. Not because evolution put us this way. But because the genetic events that would surround the existence of the humans on a genetic level are statistically impossible to the point it would be ignored as possible. But that’s nonsense, right? Statistics are lies, so let’s move on to the next step. Humans are one of the most complex things, if not the most complex things, on the planet. They are constructs of biological mechanisms of remarkable resiliency. They have developed the rarity of conscious thought, which led them to question their existence.

Stop the music! What? They question their existence? What kind of Darwinistic trait would that be good for? None! Philosophical thought means nothing to nature. In fact it acts as a distraction, but it’s also a tool. But what makes conscious thought? A brain.

A neuron is a very ingenious thing. On its own, it can’t really do much. With other neurons, it forms an intelligence, of sorts. A brain that’s undeveloped, say, in the mind of a feral animal would be one that coordinates the body to make sure the basic survival needs are met. After that it’s the social needs within its population that must be met (not social as in the way it is defined to us humans). And that’s about as far as that goes but it’s different for humans. Humans demand more for their existence. They need a reason to live.

Heh, life is tricky, ain’t it? So, what the next theory that came up next was Social Darwinism. I have no use in explaining that, but I’ll move on to tell you that all the theory did was distract people from questioning the reason of their existence to closing their minds to an institutionalized thought. I said last post that science is only a way of thinking that uses logic and reasoning to define things in a way that make sense to our current ways of understanding when they could very well be completely obscenely different. Well? The population is extremely divided on this way of thinking. Both sides have their extremities that say the other is incorrect, both have middle grounds that don’t care, and each have their respective intellects that see both sides as capable of cooperating. Now, what Darwinistic trait would lead to both sides (that are still the same) to the point where people are exiled and driven to violence to prove that one way of thinking is better. No reasoning there or logic there that would develop genetics the way nature should.

Well, what are humans? Are we slaves to instinctive thought like normal animals, free thought, or are we… slaves to other human thoughts? That last one sounds perfect, and as far as I understand, completely true. Very few humans nowadays will you meet that do not come to specific archetype defined by society. We are trained to see things in black and white when our eyes are fully capable of seeing color. What have we done? Enslaved ourselves in the name of conscious thought, while someone else stands behind a glass window with a remote control. The entire purpose of my writing is to get people to think on their own without any particular way of thinking taking them over. In other words, I want them to be free in themselves without being enslaved by their desires, their basic needs, or by the hands and ideologies of others. And yet here’s my contradiction: If I want people to be free thinking, why am I telling what to think. I like to believe that what I’m saying is pushing people to think all on their own and that puts me in a paradoxical thought loop. Lovely spaces, these loops.

Per my understanding of God, He gave us Free Will. This means I can do what I want and all that jazz, but there are still consequences. Consequences are a part of life and physics, until something else arises. Well? I don’t know. Come to your own conclusions. I think that a conscious mind has Free Will. There’s a meeting point of the two ideologies.

As for the future? That’s unknown to everyone.

Have a good future then.

About sycogamer94

Writer. Sci-fi fan. Music fanatic. Gamer. Philosopher. Scientist. Evidentalist Trinitarian Monotheist.
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